
Looking for information quickly? Below are tip sheets and issue briefs we’ve produced to help you understand different aspects of children’s exposure to violence.

Children’s Exposure to Violence: A Comprehensive National Survey
This Bulletin discusses the National Survey of Children’s Exposure to Violence (NatSCEV), the most comprehensive nationwide survey of the incidence and prevalence of children’s exposure to violence to date, sponsored by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) and supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Conducted between January and May 2008, it measured the past-year and lifetime exposure to violence for children age 17 and younger across several major categories: conventional crime, child maltreatment, victimization by peers and siblings, sexual victimization, witnessing and indirect victimization (including exposure to community violence and family violence), school violence and threats, and Internet victimization

Healing Invisible Wounds: Children’s Exposure to Violence – A Guide for Families
Do you suspect a child you know has witnessed or experienced violence? Maybe you think a child you know has witnessed or been hurt by violence. Or maybe you think something’s wrong with the child, but you don’t know what. It can be hard to tell what’s wrong. There may not be clear physical signs such as bruises and cuts. Children often suffer from “invisible wounds” that affect them emotionally and psychologically.

Moving From Evidence to Action Issue Briefs
Issue Brief #1: Understanding Children’s Exposure to Violence

This issue brief assists practitioners in understanding the impact of exposure to violence in the development of children as well as the environmental and family factors that may provide a buffer and prevent or reduce the impact of exposure to violence. It also describes key elements that help managers and practitioners design and implement comprehensive programs that enhance resilience, decrease risks, and provide specialized treatments to children exposed to violence and their families.

Issue Brief #2: Pediatric Care Settings
Pediatric care settings are perhaps the only places where children are seen at multiple points during their childhood and adolescence. These settings provide an excellent opportunity to screen families for health and social risks (including exposure to violence), educate parents, and refer children and families to services to prevent or treat emotional or behavioral problems that may result from exposure to violence.

Issue Brief #3: Schools
Schools play a critical role in helping prevent and reduce the impact of exposure to violence on children. This issue brief offers teachers, principals, counselors, and other school personnel tips on ways to identify and talk to students and parents who have been exposed to violence. It describes evidence-based practices that school staff members can use to accommodate and respond to students and support their academic achievement.

Issue Brief #6: Homeless Shelters, Permanent/Supportive Housing and Transitional Housing
Children who are homeless are much more likely than other children to be exposed to community violence, domestic violence, and child abuse. This issue brief offers homelessness services providers trauma-focused interventions that can be used to build the resilience and ensure the well-being of children and families exposed to violence.

Especially For CEV Awareness Week 2012!

The Chicago Safe Start collaborative is facilitating another Prevent Childhood Exposure to Violence (CEV) Week (April 16 – 20, 2012) working with the theme, Every Person, Every Day!

You can share the documents below they’ve provided to encourage community and provider participation!

Prevent CEV Week_Proclam 2012

EveryPersonEveryDayPoster 2012


3 Responses

  1. Im writing to see how to sign up for parenting classes for me and my wife. Thank you

  2. Is there another place to find these resources? This used to be one of the best sites I used for information for staff and community training information. Now many of the links are no longer working.

  3. Are these resources available in Spanish?

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